Shops at Valley Square Celebrates September’s National Service Dog Month
As National Service Dog Month was celebrated in September, popular Shops at Valley Square retailer, Cool Dog Gear returned to offering Storytime with a Therapy Dog, a free event targeted at the pre-school set. Mindful of both weather and social distancing concerns, they creatively turned their “doggie workout gym” into an open air indoor-patio! Cool Dog Gear is exploring ways to create awareness and bring customers into their store while maintaining COVID-19 safety standards.
Their first event was Storytime with Rookie. Handler Helen, a former school teacher, read to enthusiastic attendees while Rookie entertained the group with his unabashed cuteness. Due to the success of September’s event, three more storytime events are being scheduled.
Poag Shopping Centers’ portfolio of leading lifestyle centers are pet-friendly, offering yet another reason to shop, dine and play.